welcome, friend!
I'm so happy you're here! My name is Laura Michael, and I am the owner, designer, and creator of all the work you see!
I run a creative business that specializes in watercolor design, branding & brand development,
custom illustrations, and photo styling. I've been watercoloring and designing professionally since 2014, and I am the happiest when I am creating beautiful, natural, and lovely things for you.
A few things before you start to scroll: Why Watercolor?
Watercolor branding and design may be something that is new to you - you know what watercolor is,
you know what design is, but what happens when you put the two together?
In a world where many graphics look cloned and you can have a 'logo in an instant' with a downloadable template, watercolor branding brings back a sense of elegance and uniqueness to your brand. When you merge the handmade with the digital, something magical happens - it becomes a beautiful mixture of soft and clean, fresh and new. It stands out in the crowd and creates a new way to portray and express you and your brand!
When I'm painting and designing, it's all up to YOU. You tell me what you like (and if it's florals, we're gonna be best friends). And good news - since you, your product, and your brand are unique, so is the design I create for you. My goal is to make your voice not only seen, but heard through lovely designs.
Just think for a moment: what are your favorite websites? favorite bloggers?
favorite clothing companies? Why do you love them?
Chances are, one of the main reasons is the photography.
Why is that, you ask? It's because good photography draws customers in like
bees to their hive - frankly, we like to look at pretty things!
Here's why it's important: photography portrays your brand voice across every area of your
website and social media platform. And because of that,
it is the #1 opportunity for customers to experience YOU and what you have to offer.
If you have a beautiful logo and brand but no photography to back it up, it will be really
easy for your beautiful logo to get lost in the shuffle.
(and that would seriously be depressing)
That's why I Photo Style, so that after we design your lovely new logo and brand voice, we can style fabulous photos to seamlessly bring it all together. I will help you create a beautiful business that draws customers in through excellent visuals; a business that is not only visually appealing and successful, but one that stands out. All in one perfect little brand development package.
Because photo styling isn't just the cherry on top - it's the sundae cup that holds it all together.
Now that you know more about why I do what I do...it's time for you to start dreaming!
P H O T O G R A P H Y: Whitney Young Photography